May 3, 2022
Infrared Sauna For Better Climbing & Bouldering

Whether you’re a serious climber or someone who just loves a day on the wall, taking care of your body will always help you to climb stronger, for longer and for life. This is the true purpose of ‘recovery’ - by giving your body and mind time to rest and recover, you will come back […]

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May 15, 2020
Why you feel so exhausted, even though you’re doing absolutely nothing.

During these uncertain times, most of us have been confined to the four walls of our house. Our routine has become skewed, and we have either started working more or not at all, and this can really take a toll on your metabolism, energy levels and fitness levels.

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May 8, 2020
Climbing, mental health and Covid-19

While exercise can be a compelling way of improving mood and reducing symptoms, the very nature of these conditions, unfortunately, means that those most likely to benefit from even a little bit exercise are often the least likely to be able to find the motivation or have access to the necessary support needed to overcome the numerous barriers we all face.

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May 1, 2020
How We’re Staying Motivated to Workout at Home

While staying safe and healthy right now equates to being socially distanced, maintaining your mental health is also a key player during this crisis. And, as so many of you know, mental health fluctuates dramatically when exercise is taken out of the equation

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Climbing is for everyone – you don’t need to be an athlete to take part. Learn from the Expert Coaches.


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