November 26, 2021
Dietitian approved nutrition for climbing endurance

In part 2 of our series on ENDURANCE, we’ll dive into how to optimise your nutrition and develop an easy guide to help improve your climbing endurance at the crag. There are multiple considerations when it comes to selecting climbing snacks. Namely; nutritional value, size and palatability.

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November 10, 2021
8 unique ways to improve your Climbing and Bouldering endurance.

Your technique might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about endurance- If you’re able to climb efficiently and rely less on brute strength to get you up the wall, you’re going to be able to last longer and repeat more routes.

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September 6, 2021
How to optimise nutrition for bouldering performance

What does it mean to be “properly fuelled”? and what do we need to consider from a nutritional perspective? Today, I’ll explain the science behind food suggestions and provide both nutritious and delicious food examples to enhance your bouldering game.

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July 5, 2021
Importance of Nerve Mobility in rock climbing

Nerves travel from your brain, down your spinal cord, through your arms and legs right down to your fingers and toes. We will run through some exercises to help with nerve mobility and ensure your climbing is not plagued by injury.

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September 25, 2020
What is Climber's Elbow and how to treat it

Today we are going to take a deep dive into medial elbow pain with Riley Hoare. Riley is a focused climbing physiotherapist from Sydney Climbing Physio, and has teamed up with us today to help explain precisely what Climber's Elbow is, how it is caused, and how you can recover and get back to climbing at your full potential, as soon as possible!

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February 24, 2020
Handcare for Climbers - The Essential Guide 2020

Everyone knows that climbing is tough on your hands and that looking after them is essential. There’s more to it than just washing, drying and moisturizing too.

A proper hand care routine is vital when you’re a climber so that you can climb at your best, climb safely, and get the most out of your climb. Hand care for climbers starts before you even begin to climb.

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December 29, 2019
Stretching for Tight Hips

Have you ever thought that maybe your hips are stopping you from climbing higher grades? Climb fit's fitness Guru Nina walks us through stretching for tight hips

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