Bouldering extension at Kirrawee

bouldering extension Climb Fit Kirrawee

New bouldering extension - landing Winter 2024

You all asked for it.
MORE BOULDERING (30% more actually)

In Winter 2024 our NEW Walltopia bouldering walls will be delivered and our team will assemble them down in the back corner of the gym. The training rig will be moved into the gym to make space.

You can check out the pictures below to see what the plan is.


Walls arrive Winter 2024

It's a big project to build new walls while a gym is still open to the public, so we appreciate your patience and understanding. We estimate that the wall build will take at least a week and we hope to keep our current bouldering walls and top rope walls open as normal.

Our training rig will be relocated to the gym closer to the arrival date of the new walls.

Check back on this page for updates.

kirrawww new bouldering walls 2024

Top view - New Bouldering walls will be down the back of the gym,  opposite the Kilter Board.

new boulders kirrawee

Construction Photos... coming soon

Video..... coming soon


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